I'm going to try not to make this a crazy cat lady rant but I think this kind of thing needs to be addressed on so many levels.
Anyway it was brought to me and a few other cat rescuers that there was a pregnant mommy cat at a appartment complex in a not so great area of Houston. The lady contacted us and asked if she caught her would we take her. She said the kitty was really sweet and showed up for dinner every day. So the next day she waited and waited for the sweet little siamese girl with the big belly to come get her dinner. She watched for days and nothing.
Then she was told by someone in the complex that some kids killed some newborn kittens. Yep...it was her babies. The kids found them and with mommy being a socialized dumped cat she didnt know to run. So I'm sure she watched in horror as her brand new babies were killed one by one. This is the sad and cruel world we live in.
And mom has never showed back up. We are pretty sure she met the same fate.
But this is a tragity on so many levels.
1. Animals are are being dumped like trash.
2. Animals are being killed just out of meaness.
3. What is going on in these kids lives to even think of doing something like this.
4. Where are the parents?
So it all boils down to abuse in it's many forms. We need to open our eyes and fix this cruel never ending cycle. It has to stop. We have to speak up more and not close our eyes and say its not our business. This affects us all. Someday these kids may do more damage than just killing an animal.
Animals are all dependant on us to protect them and nurture them. But our childeren learn what they live. So much is wrong with this pictures. Teach your kids all life is precious. Help your kids learn to be kind. Cruelty is a learned behavior. And if you see a child being abused step up. That kid can't save themselves.